Ken Miller - President & CEO
Ken began his career in the finance industry in 1975 with American General Corporation - AIG. In 1983, a decision was made to open the doors of Miller Financial. Along the way, he has been an instructor for Successful Money Management, Financial Strategies for Successful Retirement, Lifelong Financial Security, Retirement & Asset Protection Workshops, and many other financial classes. In 1977, Ken married Lisa Cooper. His high school sweetheart. They are proud parents of five sons, two daughters, and even more proud grandparents to their thirteen grandchildren.
Phil Miller - Partner & CFO
Phil joined the family firm in 2003. At that time, partnering also as an Advisor with The MONY Group in Charlotte, NC. Immeasurable and lasting success has come under the mentorship of his Father and other key family and industry influences. In 2005 Phil married his wife, Meredith. They are proud and thankful parents of one daughter and five sons: Chloe, Cooper, Levi, Liam, Camden, & Beckham. In his leisure time Phil enjoys a game of golf with friends and family.